Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Elegant Living?

Here is the lovely (NOT) area where I first lived in Las Vegas. It's 4995 South Maryland Parkway, one block south from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. When I moved there in 1985, the area was strictly collegiate. Now, there seems to be NOTHING but undocumented aliens and the stores and apartments that cater to their trade. The student community that I used to enjoy so much has retreated back onto campus and many students commute from the other areas of the city where it is safer to live. I guess the sound of gunfire every night over drug deals gone bad makes it unsettling. The UNLV campus police have jurisdiction over this area and believe me, they are running scared. It's not like it was in the good 'ole days.

Ruby In The Rough (26.21 Carats)

As a Graduate Gemologist with a an academic background in mineralogy, I enjoy the analysis of rough crystals. This is a a ruby in the rough. You can see the exterior hexagonal form which reflects the internal pattern in which the atoms are bonded. This particular piece of rough is far from being top grade faceting material. It will more likely be polished into a cabochon which will be dome shaped. This specimen is typical of ruby from Thailand. Historically, the finest rubies both faceted and cut en-cabochon have originated from Burma, especially the Mogok district. If you are considering a trip to Thailand someday, please be advised that the locals are looking for "farang," i.e., generally Americans with American money. And, don't expect to purchase any "bargain" rubies that may be offered to you by the local "dealers." They are most likely inexpensive but beautiful flame-fusion synthetics which have been produced since 1905. They have managed to turn this from an art into a supreme science of scam. Of course, if you are serious about a buying trip you can avoid a lot of grief and disappointment in buying genuine natural rubies and HIRE ME to accompany you. I have numerous contacts in Bangkok that are legitimate and while you won't get any "bargains" you won't get ripped off either. The GIA has a campus in Bangkok where we can have a Identification Report done for you before you leave. That way your stone has a "pedigree," and there is NO DOUBT about whether it is "real" or not. How about that for peace of mind? Oh, and everyone at the GIA in Bangkok speaks real English too!

Why Did This Ashtray Have To Die?

When we talk about "fear and loathing" in Las Vegas everyone wonders about proof. Well, here is a classic example of what happens when someone isn't operating on a steady basis, which took the form of an assault against a heavy solid granite ashtray. That's right. An ashtray. It was admired for its solid contruction and fireproof quality by a lot of smokers. My wise late Father had a sign on his desk which stated,"Anger is but one letter away from Danger." Whoever destroyed this ashtray was filled not with what we would call simple discontent. This was an act of RAGE, perpetrated outside a CHURCH. (I am not making this up). Of course, Las Vegas is a city filled with angry people. Angry over losing their money gambling, broken relationships, and whatever else doesn't seem to go their way, all fueled by alcohol and or drugs, both legal and otherwise. It is a constant challenge to cope with strangers of this ilk, always hoping that you will not become a victim of their rage. An inanimate object was the object of rage here, MAYBE substituting for a human being. I am sick of the violence in this city.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Top of the Line Tanzanite Pendant

One of the best things about being a Graduate Gemologist is the chance to examine and study extremely fine articles of jewelry. I am NOT speaking of the "bread and butter" jewelry you will find at mass marketing stores like Wal-Mart. This is a pendant containing an oval 9.33 carat Tanzanite of top grade color and polish accented by 16 round brilliant cut diamonds with a total weight of 2 carats. Items such as this cost many thousands of dollars to fashion. This Tanzanite is one of the finest that I have ever seen. You can take it to the bank that I didn't dare drop this pendant on a hard surface! After over two decades of practice I can relax and not shake like a leaf handling expensive jewelry. I remember my "rookie" days in the industry when fear of gravity was the usual feelng. Incidentally, the digital photograph here like others on the Internet really doesn't do justice to the item. There is NO substitute for seeing an article of jewelry with your own two eyes. As in live and in person. So, try shopping in person and find someone like me who can explain the piece to you. I can explain the factors involved in why a jewel is priced the way it is. No matter what, the important thing to remember that it should look EXPENSIVE and that you can expect to get a lot of compliments for having such good taste.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

"Blood Diamonds"

Along with the concern for responsible gold mining, we witness global concern for what have been known as "blood diamonds." These are rough diamonds that have been illicitly mined and stolen in nations such as Sierra Leone to finance civil war. The international response is "The Kimberly Process." This is a tracking mechanism whereby rough diamonds are tracked from mining areas and certified as being free of illegal handling in the "diamond pipeline."
This protocol was initiated by the United States and participating countries as a result of United Nations intervention in the early years of this century. The result is that the trade in these diamonds has dropped from a high of 4% to approximately 1% of rough diamonds traded internationally.
I am looking forward to seeing a FICTIONAL treatment of "conflict diamonds" in the motion picture called "The Blood Diamond," with Leonard DiCaprio due out this December. I have read the synopsis of the screenplay (available on and it sounds like an interesting film. There has been some trepidation amongst people in the legitimate diamond trade that the general public will get misinformation on how widespread the illicit trading is. The fact is: It is NOT widespread and NEVER was! It is understandable that people would be upset to know that their hard-earned money was used to finance bloodshed. I know that I don't want any part of it. The Kimberly Process is working and will continue to work well.