Global Warming? Forget the Debate!
While I am not an atmospheric scientist, I am well acquainted with an associated geoscience, namely climatology. It is interesting to note that in Las Vegas we have had a summer with record high temperatures breaking old daily records. From my readings it is apparent that SOMETHING is seriously wrong at the North Pole region of the planet. The melting glaciers are creating ice floes that are previously unheard of. The Inuits of the area are close to the earth and they are very disconcerted at what is happening to their enviornment. It was really pathetic for the oil-interests to politicize the issue of Global Warming. But, that is what is happening; it would have occurred with or without the involvement of former Vice-President Gore. I fear that we lack the political will and foresight to correct our wasteful use of fossil fuels. Did you know that for every unit of gasoline burned, 5 units of carbon dioxide are produced? Multiply that by the countless tons of fuel combusted every day all over the earth and you get some kind of idea how much damage has/is being done to the atmosphere. Time is going running out, in my opinion. It's way past the time where we can endlessly debate whether this is man-made or part of a "natural" cycle. The science indicting fossil fuels is sound, despite what the oil-paid politicians are saying. Personally, I don't want to be cremated alive at a slow rate, do you?
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