Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Any BODY For A 3rd Degree Sunburn For A Fee?

This is one of my favorite local businesses in terms of entertainment value. Sin City Tanning offers to provide you a genuine sunburn (er,"tan") in the middle of the Mojave Desert for just a very few dollars. Of course, I really don't understand why.
I mean, would YOU open an a umbrella shop in a city that is lucky to get an average of around 5 inches (or less) a year in rain? We are NOT in Seattle, here. Of course, some people don't have the time to lay around a beautiful pool and soak up the Ultraviolet B rays which damage your skin resulting in a "tan" as a defensive reaction. Then again, some people have the time and money to go to a salon here and get artificially burned. As they say, "different rays for diffierent people,'' or is that "different strokes for different people?" WAIT! That's another risque story for another time here! HOLD IT! I have to keep this a family type blogsite. Oh, well, somebody has to be Mr. Goody Two-Shoes here in Las Vegas! Might as well be me, instead of Wayne Newton.

Friday, September 15, 2006

A "Museum" for the "Mafia?"

This is the old United States Federal Building in downtown Las Vegas. It was also the site of the ONLY and ORIGINAL Post Office in the city. Our esteemed mayor (and former "mob" attorney) Oscar Goodman wants to convert this historic building into a museum dedicated to the criminal "contributions" of La Cosa Nostra to the great enterprise we call the USA. You have to forgive poor Oscar for this brainless concept. Rumor has it that he regularly guzzles gallons of Bombay Gin, just for fun and stress relief, of course. It can't be easy running a complex system of marvelous things for the tax-paying citizens of our fair city.

This Business Eats Money 24/7, No Dieting Here!

Las Vegas is "truly paradise" to the afflicted compulsive gamblers. Well, not really. It's more like 3 feet north of hell, especially in the summertime here. Where else can you LOSE money on a 24 hour basis playing "Bingo?" If that isn't sufficient, you can also indulge your disease with "Live Poker," and "Live Keno." That, I guess; is opposed to "Dead Poker and "Dead Keno." In any event, you can be sure that you have to BEG for a "cocktail" especially if you are WINNING anything. If you are losing, which is usually the case, you can FORGET about drinking for "free." When you run out of money to gamble with, you have to BUY your own beer to cry over. Que Sera, sera.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I Am Proudly One Of The "24%'s Here! Kind Of Like 24kt Gold

While Las Vegas and the State of Nevada are known for their beautiful resort destinations, there is an undercurrent of shame here. And, it is all about education. While growth in the Clark County School District has been tremendous in terms of student load, there is a perpetual lack of qualified teachers. Why? Could it be the LOW starting salary? And, then again it could be the WEAK teacher's union? And, then finally could it be that the prospective applicants KNOW all about how the student test scores are abysmally low? There is absolutely no prestige in teaching in a school district marked by low student test scores. Maybe it is because most of the parents here were LUCKY to graduate from High School and put little value in ANY kind of education.
According to the latest statistics, ONLY 24% of the adult population here hold college degrees. This is my B.A. from California State University, Fullerton where I went to school with Kevin Costner. I was a senior when he was a freshman. I befriended this younger student because we were both interested in film history. Neither of us knew at the time that he would become a world-famous actor, director, and producer. "Dances with Wolves" was truly a masterpiece. Some of his other films are so-so, and he knows it. I liked his work in "JFK" very much. Expect more blockbusters from him in the years ahead. This guy has talent that even he doesn't yet realize. Oh, and he actually graduated with a B.A. in business too. That wasn't "show business," either.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Is This Typical Of Las Vegas?

This is an example once again of IMPROVISED ROADSIDE GARBAGE (IRG). Because I am a public-spirited citizen I removed the debris from the expressway off-ramp at Decatur Blvd. I guess there aren't many concerned citizens who are willing to roll up their sleeves, although EVERYBODY seems to complain about the visual blight, gang grafitti, and construction nails destroying tires. Let's see. I can recycle the tire and the plastic. The broken glass shards are definitely dangerous without thicker gloves. All in all, this is beginning to be really TIRESOME.

We Shall Never Forget. After 9/11/01

This is the current and REVISED seal of the city of Las Vegas on the official Sheriff's badge for Clark County. I want to extend my appreciation to Jerry Airola for using the Sheriff's badge on his campaign posters for this depiction. ( I don't know if the current retiring Sheriff Young granted permission, knowing Jerry he probably didn't ask, but that's another story.) Note how the JET AIRCRAFT flying into the highest tower HAS BEEN REMOVED AFTER 9/11. How is this about an expression of guilt and or remorse over what happened in New York City on that dreadful day? Only this kind of thing could HAPPEN in Las Vegas where you can ALWAYS expect the UNEXPECTED!

Lest We Forget. Before 9/11/01

I photographed this last night. It is at the entrance of the Las Vegas Municipal Golf Course on Decatur Blvd. This is the OLD ( pre 9/11)official seal of the city of Las Vegas. Please carefully note the JET AIRCRAFT with contrail flying through the highest tower. I know that it is difficult to see. It is a well-known historical fact now that Mohammed Atta spent a few weeks here planning the World Trade Tower attacks in New York City that culminated with the darkest hour for our nation since December 7th, 1941. Was this seal involved in firing his sick and fevered imagination?

Election Loathing In Las Vegas

Well, the election is over. Now the LOSING and WINNING candidates have to pick up their roadside signs which have been well vandalized at this point. The WINNERS really ought to get creative and save money and buy good "speaking points." They ought to HIRE THE HOMELESS people to clean everything up. With an estimated 15,000 homeless people on the streets here there is NO REASON for all of the visual blight generated by all of the dirty politics that went down. Just think about the potential. A veritable army of homeless people cleaning Las Vegas! Wow! Wait! Does that mean that the politicians and wannabe "leaders" have to pay them out of their own campaign funds? Afraid so. Well, that will have to happen when it snows here in August. In other words, don't count on it!

Condition Red: IRG!

I am sure that you are familiar with IED's at this point in the "war on terrorism." That is to say watch out for the roadside "Improvised Explosive Devices." In Las Vegas, we have IRG. That is to say: IMPROVISED ROADSIDE GARBAGE. A particularly dangerous area is ANY exit ramp from an expressway here. The roadside depicted is the exit ramp southbound of the Oran Gragson Expressway onto Decatur Blvd. going North. Make no mistake about it. You are going to have to drive around (?) empty intact and broken beer bottles with an occasional empty champagne bottle thrown aside for a little bit more adventure in driving. Of course, there is absolutely NOTHING you can do about all of the stray construction and housing NAILS that litter the streets here. The tire dealers here LOVE IT! It is no surprise to me that so many drivers are taking prescribed "medication" for driving anxiety.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Not Quite "BLING" But That Isn't The Point

Here is another example of a custom-made item of fine jewelry. A gentleman's gemstone ring accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds, all set in 18kt yellow gold. The diamonds on each side of the mounting were pave set by hand. The cabochon ( poorly rendered by the blogger.com photo software) is a Tiger-Eye. This is a stone belonging to the quartz family. It displays an "eye" which opens and closes under varying amounts and directions of pinpoint illumination. This is the optical phenomenon of "chatoyancy." This word is derived from French in reference to a "cat's eye." The most prominent stone displaying this is chatoyant chrysoberyl, which is usually just referred to as a "cats-eye," among lovers of gemstones. The point is that this is a type of gemstone that can be worn and enjoyed by men and women alike. Like what I call "cocktail jewelry" here in Las Vegas. Want to start a conversation in a plush lounge with a total stranger who looks interesting to you? Just offer your hand and say "Hi!, What do you you think about this?"

One Of A Kind? Of Course!

This is a custom-designed and produced Lady's Cameo Bracelet accentuated with genuine round rubies cast in 14kt yellow gold. People sometimes ask, why does jewelry cost so much? Well, this isn't an ordinary piece of jewelry. It was custom-designed and is NOT an "ordinary" production item. Even though the elements of the bracelet were cast by the "Lost Wax" method, the final assembly is painstakingly done by the hands of a master bench jeweler. So, aside from the cost of the gold and rubies, we also consider the cost of the design and execution, and all of the LABOR involved. Sorry, the "fast-food" mentality mindset doesn't work here. Good craftmanship leads to durability, not just beauty to the eye. I fully expect this piece to become an heirloom to someone not yet born.