When we talk about "fear and loathing" in Las Vegas everyone wonders about proof. Well, here is a classic example of what happens when someone isn't operating on a steady basis, which took the form of an assault against a heavy solid granite ashtray. That's right. An ashtray. It was admired for its solid contruction and fireproof quality by a lot of smokers. My wise late Father had a sign on his desk which stated,"Anger is but one letter away from Danger." Whoever destroyed this ashtray was filled not with what we would call simple discontent. This was an act of RAGE, perpetrated outside a CHURCH. (I am not making this up). Of course, Las Vegas is a city filled with angry people. Angry over losing their money gambling, broken relationships, and whatever else doesn't seem to go their way, all fueled by alcohol and or drugs, both legal and otherwise. It is a constant challenge to cope with strangers of this ilk, always hoping that you will not become a victim of their rage. An inanimate object was the object of rage here, MAYBE substituting for a human being. I am sick of the violence in this city.
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