As a Graduate Gemologist with a an academic background in mineralogy, I enjoy the analysis of rough crystals. This is a a ruby in the rough. You can see the exterior hexagonal form which reflects the internal pattern in which the atoms are bonded. This particular piece of rough is far from being top grade faceting material. It will more likely be polished into a cabochon which will be dome shaped. This specimen is typical of ruby from Thailand. Historically, the finest rubies both faceted and cut en-cabochon have originated from Burma, especially the Mogok district. If you are considering a trip to Thailand someday, please be advised that the locals are looking for "farang," i.e., generally Americans with American money. And, don't expect to purchase any "bargain" rubies that may be offered to you by the local "dealers." They are most likely inexpensive but beautiful flame-fusion synthetics which have been produced since 1905. They have managed to turn this from an art into a supreme science of scam. Of course, if you are serious about a buying trip you can avoid a lot of grief and disappointment in buying genuine natural rubies and HIRE ME to accompany you. I have numerous contacts in Bangkok that are legitimate and while you won't get any "bargains" you won't get ripped off either. The GIA has a campus in Bangkok where we can have a Identification Report done for you before you leave. That way your stone has a "pedigree," and there is NO DOUBT about whether it is "real" or not. How about that for peace of mind? Oh, and everyone at the GIA in Bangkok speaks real English too!
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