Las Vegas is "truly paradise" to the afflicted compulsive gamblers. Well, not really. It's more like 3 feet north of hell, especially in the summertime here. Where else can you LOSE money on a 24 hour basis playing "Bingo?" If that isn't sufficient, you can also indulge your disease with "Live Poker," and "Live Keno." That, I guess; is opposed to "Dead Poker and "Dead Keno." In any event, you can be sure that you have to BEG for a "cocktail" especially if you are WINNING anything. If you are losing, which is usually the case, you can FORGET about drinking for "free." When you run out of money to gamble with, you have to BUY your own beer to cry over. Que Sera, sera.
Hello Mr. Goodwin. I came by your site quite by accident. I am enrolled in the GIA, Carlsbad, and was looking for information on other G.G's. I found your comments about Vegas interesting and fun. The Mayor may not like them, but I'm sure Wayne Newton would laugh. Thanks for a few moments of fun reading.
Gene M., soon to be Gene M.,G.G.
Thanks for stopping by, Gene! Oscar and I don't always see eye to eye, but Wayne can take a joke and then some! Incidentally, you will soon get used to sticking the initials "G.G." after your name...
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