This is a Gesswein ultrasonic cleaner. It incorporates a heating switch along with an automatic timer. The vat contains a specially formulated cleaning solution which becomes VERY hot thus shortening the cleaning time. The process of ultrasonic cleaning is known scientifically as "cavitation." X number of solution molecules actually implode on all surfaces loosening polishing residue and other substances which cling to polished goods. BEWARE! This is an aggressive cleaning process which has to be done carefully. Set stones which are not set securely in their mountings have a tendency to come loose and fall to the bottom of the tank. It is part of the cleaning protocol to FIRST identify the gemstones that are set. Diamonds clean quite well. BUT, certain gem materials such as Emeralds, Opals, Pearls, Amber, Turqouise, and especially Tanzanite should NEVER be cleaned by the ultrasonic method. They are prone to damage not only by the cavitation process but also by the thermal shock of the VERY hot solution. This is why you should find a store with qualified gemologists on staff who are in charge of cleaning. They are aware of the material being cleaned and carefully examine each item BEFORE cleaning, looking for secure placement of the gemstones. Also, it is prudent NOT to use this machine for diamonds and gemstones which are highly included with flaws, especially flaws which break the surface of the stone. Fractures and cleavages can be extended in the stone which can seriously undermine the durability.
I always point out the BEFORE appearance of the item to be cleaned. And, when the item has been cleaned it is once again what I like to call "showcase clean." One of the most rewarding aspects of this task for me is when I get a smile and a THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH from a client. I have had the good fortune of NEVER DAMAGING a diamond or gemstone using this method. Of course, I use my knowledge and careful technique in caring for the jewelry.