Wednesday, October 28, 2009
This is a prime example of what is happening in Nevada. The mental health budget for the state was butchered by our Governor Jim Gibbons and the state legislature in Carson City. As a result, people of this ilk are roaming the streets committing acts of random violence upon people, places, and things. I fully expect the situation to get worse as these deranged people are deprived of evaluation, treatment, and medication. As they are arrested, they are incarcerated and NOT treated. This is a total meltdown of social services and it endangers the citizenry. I recant anything good that I said previously about the State of Nevada.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Brother---Can you Spare a Dollar?
I haven't posted anything here since the ECONOMIC COLLAPSE of September, 2008. Actually, the economy went south here in Las Vegas starting in May 2007, when the real estate market started to "tank" as the pundits like to say. The slide into "recession" here was pronounced and swift. Remember the old song from the depression of the 1930's? It was called "Brother--- can you spare a dime?" Well, now a days in Las Vegas people are actually panhandling for a dollar! That's right. Anything less is NOT good enough. That's what they ask for. It used to be "spare change." When I read about this in the newspaper I knew it would just be a matter of time before I would get solicited. And, of course I did. My response to the mendicant? It was simply, DO I LOOK LIKE A BANKER TO YOU? That usually ENDS the matter as I remove myself rapidly from the area. I think I would rather drop dead than approach people begging for paper money like some of the homeless-by-choice derelicts here.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Global Warming? Forget the Debate!
While I am not an atmospheric scientist, I am well acquainted with an associated geoscience, namely climatology. It is interesting to note that in Las Vegas we have had a summer with record high temperatures breaking old daily records. From my readings it is apparent that SOMETHING is seriously wrong at the North Pole region of the planet. The melting glaciers are creating ice floes that are previously unheard of. The Inuits of the area are close to the earth and they are very disconcerted at what is happening to their enviornment. It was really pathetic for the oil-interests to politicize the issue of Global Warming. But, that is what is happening; it would have occurred with or without the involvement of former Vice-President Gore. I fear that we lack the political will and foresight to correct our wasteful use of fossil fuels. Did you know that for every unit of gasoline burned, 5 units of carbon dioxide are produced? Multiply that by the countless tons of fuel combusted every day all over the earth and you get some kind of idea how much damage has/is being done to the atmosphere. Time is going running out, in my opinion. It's way past the time where we can endlessly debate whether this is man-made or part of a "natural" cycle. The science indicting fossil fuels is sound, despite what the oil-paid politicians are saying. Personally, I don't want to be cremated alive at a slow rate, do you?
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Having A Good Summer Season?
Well, winter is well over and so is spring in Las Vegas. The blowing dust storms here elicit all kinds of allergic reactions and suffering due to the non-native vegetation introduced here over the years. For instance, mulberry and olive trees produce pollens which many people here are extremely allergic to. I encounter these suffering souls on a daily basis in this valley. You can be sure that the allergists have full waiting rooms through the summer season. As for me? I have what appears to be a "bullet-proof" immune system. I just hope my luck doesn't run out and I start to cough, sneeze, and swell up like all of the vege-victims here!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Need A Job?
This company is currently posting a T-Mobile ad on the face of the Mandalay Bay Resort tower facing the "strip." Hey, they have a website. What more could you ask for?
Monday, January 01, 2007
Sunday, December 31, 2006
How Big Is Bling? Try 628 Carats On For Size
This is a 628 carat Mystic Topaz gemstone set in a 14k yellow gold basket mounting. It will take up a lot of skin as a pendant on the chest of your wife/mistress/girlfriend. Somehow it got left over from the Christmas selling season. Actually, the vendor shopped it around town and nobody else seemed to know what "Mystic Topaz" is and how it is produced. I guess they don't watch "Jewelry T.V." on cable at 3:00 A.M. in the morning. Being a Graduate Gemologist always gives me an edge
over the sorry pawnshop guys here. Good news today regarding this masterpiece of the lapidary art. I have a qualified buyer for it. They were regretful that they didn't get a chance to purchase it for a Christmas gift. I never expected this item to sell AFTER Christmas but like I have said in an earlier entry here, expect the unexpected when in Las Vegas!