I encountered a silly situation today. A gentleman came to me and asked if he could purchase a "cheap watch." Well, as a matter of pride I don't sell CHEAP watches. So, I directed him to the nearest WalMart location in town. Now, if I were a slimey operator I could have offered him this "genuine" TIME quartz gentlemen's wristwatch from my personal collection. Note the brand. It says "TIME," like in TIMEX? This is what is known as a "knock-off," a "replica," a counterfeit item. And, coming from the far east, the scammers couldn't even spell the word "TIMEX" correctly. LOL!!!
Someone once told me of a trip to Korea where they asked a clothing store manager if they had any Levi jeans. After waiting like half an hour some one comes out with jeans that have a label that was the semi-Korean/English phonetic equivilant of "Levi" it was something like 'Lefi' or 'Lephi'.
This is something new, isn't it? NOT! Everyone loves American goods over there but how can they afford anything when they are working for starvation wages? Wait! We are exporting all of our manufacturing jobs to the far-east and they can't afford to buy what they are making for us? What is wrong with that picture??? In a word--EVERYTHING!
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