This is a replica of the "famous" Welcome to Las Vegas sign that is situated on the median of Las Vegas Boulevard just down the street. Sorry to say, Las Vegas isn't "fabulous" to the homeless here who infest the parks and alleys for lack of proper shelter. Contary to popular belief, not all of them are alcoholic or mentally impaired. Nor is it "fabulous" to the increasing number of unwanted, abused, and neglected children who end up in an overcrowded and understaffed cruelty of a government shelter called "Child Haven." I won't depress you with a recitation of the latest statistics that I read this past week regarding the social deterioration here. Beyond the BLING and glitter of this city lies a seething cesspool of social problems that the local leaders are unwilling and unable to address. The homeless and the children carry no POLITICAL influence in this city, they are expendable. Just like the trash in the streets.
It's sad that so many endeavors in our society have an inherent creation of a victim group, some group that must suffer for the cogs to keep turning as they are turning at present. Plunder and exploitation, 'legal' or not, is depressing.
I suppose, at the least, it should be motivation for us to continue our fight for that which is right, even if it seems 'Don Quixote-esque' in it's enormity.
I can't trust the politicians to solve human problems anymore. The FAILURE of FEMA in the disaster of Hurricane Katrina proves the ineptitude of these people to serve the needs of people in dire straits. It's HIGH time for us to TAKE BACK the government so that it IS responsive. Anything less will never be enough.
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